The Puppy Training Academy
Members of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers
Web Text Information on our Training Brochure below.
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Thank you for your interest in acquiring a trained golden retriever puppy from the Puppy Training Academy. At our training facility, we offer trained golden retrievers at its finest. Our trained golden retrievers begin their training regimen between 6-8 weeks old. Our definition of a fully trained golden retriever puppy is one that is trained to sit, stay, lie down, eliminate on command, love their crate or bed, walk on a leash nicely, and to “leave it.” The trained golden retriever puppy may even know a few other tricks such as “roll over”, “high five”, “shake”, and ring a bell to go potty.
The stimulation that we provide on a daily basis has proven to be phenomenally successful in producing a highly advanced puppy for their age. This foundation is extremely critical to have implemented for the sake of a puppy’s entire life.
Your interest in a trained golden retriever puppy from the Puppy Training Academy indicates a strong desire to attain true quality in a golden retriever. It truly starts with a dedicated, experienced, and honest breeder. If the breeder is not able to provide accurate information in their dog’s pedigree, the quality must be questionable. It requires an exchange of solid information between breeders who have diligently analyzed pedigrees, experience breeding results, and attend breeder’s seminars to gain as much information as possible. They breed with passion and a dedication that promise quality through ultimate integrity.
Our connections with several of the top Golden Retriever Kennels and Breeders allow us the opportunity in providing the foundation for one of our trained puppies. Showing and finishing some of the top Golden Retriever Champions around the country have given us the ability to develop honest and strong relationships with some of the best. It is because of our shared experiences with well respected breeders, that we are able to breed better quality dogs.
Because we breed selectively, we do not breed often. However, we are able to enter Golden Retriever Puppies into the Puppy Training Academy program from other well respected breeders.
We are meticulous in analyzing pedigrees on every puppy that may enter into our program. We must be certain that the pedigrees consist of OFA, CERF, and heart clearances for at least 5 generations. Experience in breeding has taught us to be very conscientious with every single dog in their pedigrees. It is a critical first step requirement in our process in providing a trained puppy for a family.
When we evaluate a potential puppy, we look for confident and intelligent puppies. If they have a high degree of trainability, we then test their temperament. As for evaluating their type and looks, we will typically have already determined their beauty by putting together information from their parents and pedigree to foretell their physical appearances. However, health and disposition are the essential elements in determining a puppy’s final acceptance into our program.
Our training program is designed to properly train puppies with positive reinforcements, professional trainers, and a happy atmosphere for all. A well trained puppy is truly a happy and loving puppy. Good training requires specific and appropriately timed reinforcements. Our focus into their minds allows us the ability to have the empathy needed to better understand them, thus, providing better training.
Most families may lack critical training techniques and knowledge without ever knowing that they may be incorporating detrimental issues. We have seen time and time again, destructive and out of control puppies come into our facility because their owners were not equipped to utilize specific training procedures and techniques consistently.
Often, those who have discovered that their puppy is in need of a dog trainer fully realize this all too late. After replacing expensive furniture items, or precious belongings, they soon discover the need for a full time trainer to assist them with their ordeal. They will also discover that hiring a qualified Dog Trainer to come to their home will cost them a great deal more than expected. Dog Trainers can charge upwards of $100 per hour, and it can add up to tens of thousands. This may be added to the money they have already spent on damaged goods.
In today’s lifestyle, the pace is changing and time is getting shorter. Intelligent and successful people have realized that time is valuable and they have found resolutions to afford precious time. They have earned the resolve to avoid unnecessary frustrations. They have understood that certain decisions to save valuable time can make a monumental difference. It is a universal goal to enhance the quality of time, so that they can enjoy as much time possible doing things that they thoroughly enjoy.
Watching puppies every minute of the day and cleaning up poop 10 times a day takes a lot of time. If you actually have the time and experience in training, by all means, give your puppy what he deserves. The difference in what we are able to provide for your puppy is the amount of repetitive training that we are able to attain. It may require approximately 3000 repetitions of a command to become embedded in his communicative understanding. By the time that a puppy graduates from our Academy, he will have gone through approximately 5000 repetitions of each command. Of course, we do this with appropriately timed reinforcements of praise, treats, and corrections. We also bestow patience, consistency, and our experience. Incorporating training in a variety of environmental settings with multiple professional trainers can truly enhance the behavior of your puppy.

Scheduled field trips are mandatory and critical to the success of our program. Once the puppies have received their 3rd set of vaccinations, and have mastered the basic commands – sit, stay, down, heel, etc., the trained golden retriever puppies will go to the park, the mall, the Fallbrook Village shopping centers, or to a friend’s ranch.
We have 6 professional dog trainers, 4 dog trainer’s assistants, and 4 kennel attendants on staff. Our hand signals and verbal commands are consistent with the perfectly timed reinforcements for all puppies. Each puppy goes through continuous training sessions all day, every day. We utilize certain situations to classically condition the puppies to produce well mannered and calm behavior.
We believe the puppies do so well because we train with love and passion. We consistently are guiding appropriate behavior, with lots of praise and positive energy.
The quality is evident in our puppies. The work and training is substantiated. The bond and love attained can only get stronger with the new owners, and at a much faster pace.
Please understand that our trained golden retriever puppies are constantly learning and curious. They will not fully mature until they are about 2 or 3 years old. Continued training by you and your family is essential in maintaining the learned behavior that we have embedded. It’s important to know that our commands to them is a second language and so it will not come to them so easy if they have not been worked with for a few months. They should receive reminders of what words, hand signals, and tones mean on a weekly basis.
We provide a fantastic start for an inquisitive puppy to learn and to develop knowledge and thinking that will last them a lifetime. You and your family will have the ability to communicate clearly to your puppy in any given setting. The puppies will have been taught rules, boundaries, thinking skills, and self control. It is the head start that is truly critical in producing the well behaved, stable golden retriever throughout puppy hood and into adulthood. It will certainly give his new family the opportunity to enjoy a wonderful experience with their new puppy.
We expose our trained golden retrievers to a variety of environmental settings, such as shopping centers, banks, parks, etc. They are also very much exposed to the indoor setting. They sleep in the home, and roam freely when supervised. They are taught to run to their doggie beds and to stay for a lengthy period of time. They are also taught to go into their crates and to love it. Yes, they will love it.
With the “leave it” command, they are taught not to chew on furniture, remote controls, and various expensive items. Our trained golden retriever puppies will know, by your command, what is not “okay” and what is “okay” to chew. (Teething puppies will always need to chew on Nylabones or Kongs.)
If not taught properly, puppies can become confused and frustrated very easily. The wrong kind of training can produce disastrous results. Puppies require a great deal of time and attention. Also, the dog trainer must have a vast knowledge in dog training to obtain the best results. Unless one hires a certified dog trainer to spend every night with the puppy for 10 weeks, the puppy may not be able to master all of the basic commands. He may even display compulsive, out of control, wild behavior because of developed frustrations from the owners. Our ability to train golden retriever puppies to stay in its bed, “go potty” on command, ring a bell to go outside, to walk and greet others nicely, and to come when called (consistently) may be an invaluable service.
Please remember, that it starts with a good puppy from a solid pedigree that has the intelligence, temperament, and the mental stability to be in our program. Our relations with some of the top breeders in the country, who also do intricate temperament testing on their pups, is instrumental in acquiring the basic foundation of what we are all about.
The field trips are designed to give our trained golden retrievers full exposure to as many people, sights, sounds, and fun filled experiences. This is the only way that the puppies are able to generalize the commands. This is where we are truly able to assess their abilities and their progress.
Our trained golden retrievers are available to advance into programs utilized for service therapy and people with disabilities. As members of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers, we are dedicated in providing utmost care and the highest quality of service in dog training.
Each puppy will be evaluated and graded on a daily basis. Each will have a progress report by at least 6 trainers, every day. The weekends are a little less regimented; however, trainers do come in to take puppies on field trips to the mall, social events at the park, or the Fallbrook Village Square.
Each puppy will receive a letter grade of “A”, “B”, “C”, “D”, or “N” (needs more work) for each of the commands that they are being taught. There will be assessment evaluations periodically. The final evaluation will be given on approximately the 10th week of the program, a few days prior to going to their new home. If the puppy does not pass the Final evaluation, then it will go through an extended 2 week program to fully assure its training, at no extra charge.
We do offer advance training commands for those who may request this. This entails a great deal more commands and complicated training regimen. It is an extended 4 week program. For further information on advance training, please free to inquire.
Each day, our trained golden retriever puppies are socialized and given a great deal of attention and care. From 7:00 in the morning, the puppies are taught to eliminate, (or “go potty”) on command. They are given Recess time for fun, socialization, and play with their friends and human friends. They eat their breakfast, then “go potty” on command. Each are then are trained, or “taught”, by the Teachers a particular command. Then, it’s Recess time again and then it’s nap time.
After Lunch is given, we utilize the conditioned reflex system in elimination. We use and say “Go Potty” in anticipation of bowel movement and urine release.
The puppy then goes through a training session again by all the trainers and trainer’s assistants for several hours. They have Recess time for fun and play. They learn to play nice and to just be puppies. Most will take another nap. (Rest and sleep is valuable for proper development).
When they wake up, they will eliminate prior to roaming free in the house. They are taught basic manners in the home, and they are taught to love their crate and their beds. This is also where they are taught “Leave It” and to sit and stay nicely in their bed or their crate.
They are given their dinner, and then they are also given another training session. They are given the last call for potty training, and then they are placed in their beds for the night.
We have 3 house buildings on a 3 acre property to train basic house manners. We also have several Training Canopies that are set up as a home-like atmosphere, with furniture, TVs, vacuum cleaners, and radios. However, we do have a limited capacity for enrollment so that we are able to give each puppy its undivided attention when needed.
We not only train our puppies to master most of the commands, we train our puppies to think and behave in a way that’s conducive to a variety of lifestyles.
Our experience and knowledge has proven to be successful and has made families happy. Our devotion to the puppies will instill full satisfaction with each of the puppy’s family, for the life of the puppy.
The progression in training that we experience with each puppy rewards us immeasurably. It is truly a gift for all involved.
(The above information listed on this page may change or may not be accurate
as a result of staff changes and or modifications made)